Consumers world over know little about how they are endangering rich forests and how millions of workers are made to slog in terrible conditions to bring palm oil to their table.
By itself palm oil is not bad but it is how irresponsibly it is produced. With palm oil increasingly contributing to biodiesel there is a dire need for a massive drive to ensure it is produced responsibly.
For India, being the largest consumer of palm oil, this conversation is vital as it seems oblivious to how it is directly contributing to the destruction of large ecosystems in South East Asia. What options does India have?
Join me in my conversation with award-winning journalist Jocelyn C. Zuckerman’s about her book Planet Palm: How Palm Oil Ended Up in Everything – and Endangered the World. Her book is a deep investigation into the dark side of the palm oil industry.
Consumer movements against palm oil in many markets are nascent. With hard-hitting facts Jocelyn’s book will help consumers make an informed choice.
This conversation will be less about what devastation palm oil has already caused but will be about how to reimagine its future that is earth and people friendly.
We will also explore how the friendly hybrid coconut palm can replace oil palm.
Consumers, policy makers, environmental activists, and industry leaders will find this conversation inspiring.