Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar Hall
9.30 am onwards
Welcome – Benedict Paramanand, Founder – Greenlitfest
10.15 am to 11.00 am
The Nilgiris in Focus: A Conservationist’s Nightmare
Vasanth Bosco – Author of The Voice of the Sentient Highlands and Regeneration Ecologist, UpStream Ecology
Dr Tarsh Thekaekara – Researcher, Conservationist and Co-founder of The Shola Trust and The Real Elephant Collective
With Monisha Raman – Independent Writer and Editor
11.00 am to 11.45 am
Environmental News: Accuracy vs Sensationalism
Dr P Gowri Shankar – Wildlife Biologist
Shailesh Shrivastava – Senior Editor, Mongabay India
With Trishala Ashok – Conservation Storyteller
When villages in Uttar Pradesh’s Bahraich district panicked because of increasing wildlife attacks, newspapers, news channels, and news portals started using the term ‘man-eater’ in their headlines and reports so casually that it became a social media hashtag.
In the absence of photos of wolves from Bahraich, platforms started using AI created photos that misrepresented the species found in India showing the viewers a completely different species which is not even found in India. The sensational reportage created a panic among the villagers to a level where similar-looking species like jackals were beaten to death.
We are talking about Bahraich because it is the most recent example. Apart from this, misrepresentation and misreporting of wildlife and environmental news are quite regular and prevalent in India.
11.45 am to 12.00 pm
Tea Break
12.00 pm to 12.30 pm
Marginlands: An Exploration of Indian Landscapes
Arati Kumar-Rao – Explorer, Author of Marginlands: Indian Landscapes on the Brink
With Aparna Karthikeyan – Award-winning Author of Nine Rupees an Hour, and five children’s books; Senior Fellow PARI
The Danger of Forgetting
In the harsh climes of the Thar Desert thrives a gentle ethic — one that remembers the land, respects its lay, and abides by its lessons. Thus, this desert never thirsts for water. What happens when we forget these local geographies? A cautionary tale of Bangalore.
12.30 pm to 1.15 pm
India’s Green Transition: Opportunities for Investors and Ventures
Nagaraja Prakasam – Author, Back to Bharat: In Search of a Sustainable Future, Mentor, IIMB NSRCEL
Vishal Pandya – Co-founder, REConnect Energy
Rajan Mehta – Author, Backstage Climate: The Science and Politics Behind Climate Change, Founder, Climate Ventures Partner, Climate Labs
With Benedict Paramanand – Author, Founder, Green LitFest and Editor, SustainabilityNext
Like all nations, India has set an ambitious green transition path. This path, while looking very promising, is riddled with potholes, humps and skidders. The books of the three authors are like guidebooks. With them, India can address many of its persistent problems, such as unemployment, waste management, clean air, soil health etc. All the authors here are entrepreneurs. We can expect to have an enterprising approach to turning India green again.
1.15 pm to 2.00 pm
Networking Lunch
2.00 pm to 2.15 pm
Green Quiz by Berty Ashley
2.15 pm to 3.00 pm
Rewilding: The Only Hope
Ravi Chellam – Senior Wildlife Biologist and Conservation Scientist, CEO, Metastring Foundation
Dr Alister Scott – Co-director, Global Rewilding Alliance
Nina Chandavarkar, Founder, Okios Landscape Architects, Bangalore
With Seema Mundoli – Co-author of award-winning books, Faculty at Azim Premji University
These are difficult times. We are facing an unprecedented loss of biodiversity. Ecosystems critical for supporting both humans and biodiversity are in danger of being irrevocably lost. Amidst this doom and gloom, the idea of rewilding has been gaining increasing popularity. But what really is rewilding? What should its goal be, especially for an urbanising country like India? What are the ethical implications of rewilding? Most importantly, how can each one of us contribute environmentally and socially to the rewilding of the planet? In this session, we will talk about all this and more – and why, for a planet in crises rewilding may be our only hope.
3.00 pm to 3.45 pm
How Editors Bring a Nature Book to Life
Bijal Vachharajani – Award-winning Author of children’s books and Editor, Pratham Books
Sudeshna Shome Ghosh – Editor and Publisher, Talking Cub
With Aparna Karthikeyan – Award-winning Author of Nine Rupees an Hour, and five children’s books; Senior Fellow PARI
The children of today will inherit a planet where tomorrow’s water has already been used yesterday. They grow up surrounded by jargon; and smog from their polluted cities. Can they make a difference to the environment when even the heads of states struggle? Thankfully, editors and publishers of kids’ literature believe they can. But for that, children need to know how we got here and what they can do; now and in the future.
Join us to find out how India’s sparkling green books for children are commissioned, curated and created.
GLF Hall 2 (Opposite Baritone)
4.00 pm to 4.45 pm
Session Sponsor – Sustainable Green Initiative
Iconic Trees of India
Dr S. Natesh – Author, Iconic Trees of India: 75 Natural Wonders and Honorary Fellow, ATREE
With Lakshmi Ravinder Nair – Conservation communicator
Witness the stories of India’s most remarkable trees which have observed the country’s vibrant history and became envoys of its culture. From age-wizened patriarchs and those linked to historical events or personalities, gentle, wish-fulfilling giants to trees that bring back memories of gory deaths and dark punishments and botanical oddballs, these sentient beings emphasise the urgent need for conservation.
GLF Awards Evening
5.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Climate Anxiety to Climate Action: The Writers’ Pitch
Matthew Pye – Author, Plato Tackles Climate Change, Philosophy Teacher and Founder, Climate Academy, Brussels
Dr Alister Scott – Co-director, Global Rewilding Alliance
Rajan Mehta – Author, Backstage Climate: The Science and Politics Behind Climate Change, Founder, Climate Ventures and Partner, Climate Labs
With Madhur Singh – Climate Communicator, Festival Curator, Board Member
2024 GLF Honour Book Awards Ceremony
Children’s Green Honour Book Awards
Green Fiction / Non-fiction
Green Business
Chief Guest – Suresh Heblikar, Environmentalist, Actor and Filmmaker
10.00 am onwards
GLF Children's Green Literature Festival - GLF Hall 2 (Opposite Baritone)
11.00 am to 11.45 am
An Interactive Conversation on Human-Animal Conflict
Emphasising interconnectedness and touching upon both Urban and Rural Environments by WWF India
Shreya Bhat – Senior Manager, WWF-India
Avni Gupta – WWF- India
11.45 am to 12.45 pm
Unravelling the Mysteries About Birds and their Nests
Join Garima in group activities, games and video screening that connect to the survival of birds. Learn more about the best nests in the natural world with Niyatee and create one of your own.
Garima Bhatia – Nature Conservation Foundation and
Niyatee Sharma – Author, My Nest is the Best
12.45 pm to 1.30 pm
Networking Lunch
1.30 pm to 2.00 pm
A Fun Quiz on Nature Themes
WWF India
Shreya Bhat – Senior Manager, WWF-India
Avni Gupta –WWF- India
2.00 pm to 2.30 pm
Readers’ Stand
An interactive session between readers and writers
Join a bunch of voracious readers as they discuss environmental writing for children. Bring your ideas, opinions and suggestions- literature needs more of them and so does the environment.
Aashti Mudnani – Head, Young Readers Program, Founder, Lightroom Bookstore
2.30 pm to 3.00 pm
Make your Own Comic Book
Jaya Peter – Communication Head, ATREE
Radha Patkar – Visual Designer, ATREE
Join Jaya as she reads from the graphic novel Botanist and the Vanishing Orchid and learn to create a comic from scratch with Radha’s guidance.
3.00 pm to 3.30 pm
A Few of My Favourite Things by Canato Jimo: Reading and Drawing
Join Canato as he reads from his book Afo and I and sketch your favourite things in the natural world together with him.
4.00 pm to 4.45 pm
Session Sponsor – Sustainable Green Initiative
Iconic Trees of India
Dr S. Natesh – Author, Iconic Trees of India: 75 Natural Wonders and Honorary Fellow, ATREE
With Lakshmi Ravinder Nair – Conservation communicator
Witness the stories of India’s most remarkable trees which have observed the country’s vibrant history and became envoys of its culture. From age-wizened patriarchs and those linked to historical events or personalities, gentle, wish-fulfilling giants to trees that bring back memories of gory deaths and dark punishments and botanical oddballs, these sentient beings emphasise the urgent need for conservation.
GLF Awards Evening
5.00 pm to 7.00 pm
Climate Anxiety to Climate Action: The Writers’ Pitch
Matthew Pye – Author, Plato Tackles Climate Change, Philosophy Teacher and Founder, Climate Academy, Brussels
Dr Alister Scott – Co-director, Global Rewilding Alliance
Rajan Mehta – Author, Backstage Climate: The Science and Politics Behind Climate Change, Founder, Climate Ventures and Partner, Climate Labs
With Madhur Singh – Climate Communicator, Festival Curator, Board Member
2024 GLF Honour Book Awards Ceremony
Children’s Green Honour Book Awards
Green Fiction / Non-fiction
Green Business
Chief Guest – Suresh Heblikar, Environmentalist, Actor and Filmmaker
The Terrace (Workshops)
10.30 am – 12.00 pm
Bringing Climate Education Into The Classroom
Matthew Pye – Author, Plato Tackles Climate Change, Philosophy Teacher, Founder, Climate Academy, Brussels
Jenny Pinto – Author, The Magical Everything, Design Director and Founder, Oorjaa

How do we prepare children for the future if we don’t give them a holistic climate education in class?
It’s not an easy subject to teach because often, as teachers, our own understanding of the climate crisis tends to be fragmented and incomplete, thanks to the media coverage of it. As teachers and educators, one of the most crucial lens for understanding the crisis more holistically is to understand it at a systems level.
The Earth’s planetary and natural systems are complex- but understanding this as teachers requires techniques. Join Matthew Pye, renowned climate change thought leader and author of No Common Sense; Philosophy Tackles Climate Change as he guides you in taking climate education to your students. Click here for more information about Pye.
Structure of Workshop
Session 1 – 60 mins
Workshop with Mathew Pye: bringing climate change into the classroom.
Session 2 – 30 mins
“Eco-literacy: When are children ready?”
A discussion between Mathew Pye and Jenny Pinto on stages of environmental readiness and age appropriate eco literacy.
12.00 pm – 1.30 pm
Environment Writing for Aspiring Writers
by Mongabay India
Gopikrishna Warrier – Managing Editor
Shailesh Shrivastava – Senior Editor, Mongabay India

Environmental storytelling is a powerful tool for raising awareness and driving action in the face of the global climate crisis. As environmental degradation intensifies, there is a need for fiction and non-fiction that can inspire readers to engage with these critical issues. Writers have the unique ability to weave narratives that not only educate but also resonate emotionally, encouraging readers to think about their role in protecting the planet.
What to expect:
- Understand the fundamentals of environmental writing.
- Learn how to identify and research relevant green topics.
- Gain skills to craft compelling narratives.
2.00 pm – 2.30 pm
Part 1
Nature Art Workshop: Create a Collaborative Art
Sambita Modak – Artist, Educator, Independent Researcher

When was the last time you slowed down to notice the sounds of nature? Have you ever imagined what an ecosystem looks like based on its sounds? How about the biodiversity that thrives in it? Observe the natural world through soundscape recordings and reflect on your bond with nature as you unleash your inner artist through a vibrant, collaborative art activity that brings the diversity of the environment to life.
Open to beginners and intermediate artists. Materials will be provided.
2.30 pm – 4.00 pm
The Green Mic: Sharing Environmental Stories Through Conversations
A Podcasting Workshop by Ishika Ramakrishna, Host of The Thing About Wildlife and Doctoral Fellow, Centre for Wildlife Studies.

Podcasting is an excellent medium to reach diverse audiences in meaningful, engaging and entertaining ways, lifting words off of books, papers and people’s minds and breathing fresh life into them. Join Ishika Ramakrishna on a journey of creation wherein you can script, narrate and record your way through the steps of producing a multilingual podcast episode and have your voice published on The Thing About Wildlife Podcast!
No former experience/expertise needed. Open to age group 15 and above.
4.00 pm – 5.00 pm
Crafting Impactful Environmental Narratives Using Multimedia
Akhileshwari Ayyappan, Co-founder, The Media Triangle
Prathik Desai, Co-founder, The Media Triangle
Roshni Rajagopal, Co-founder, The Media Triangle

In this one-hour workshop, participants will explore the art of multimedia storytelling to effectively convey environmental and sustainability narratives. This session will cover essential techniques for integrating visuals, audio, and digital platforms to create compelling stories that engage and inspire action. Whether you’re an activist, educator, or content creator, this will help you to enhance your storytelling skills and connect with audiences on pressing environmental issues.
Materials required:
From participants: Laptop, notepad, pen and mouse (preferable to have)
From venue: Projector to connect our laptop, Wifi
1.45 pm to 2.30 pm
The Story of “Finding Tree”
Krish Rajesh Iyengar – Student, Quizzer, Musician
“Finding Tree” is a tale of friendship and discovery written by multiple award winning author Geeta Dharmarajan. Experience the enchanting adventures of Nachi and discover how curiosity and a love for nature can inspire us to care for our planet. Krish brings this heartwarming story to life at the Green Literature Festival 2024, Bangalore.
2.30 pm – 3.30 pm
Part 2
Nature Art Workshop
Sambita Modak – Artist, Educator and Independent Researcher